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Health Home Care

While home is where the heart is, Health Home Care Management is not a place.  It is a program that helps individuals connect to services they need to live thriving life by connecting them to medical/mental health providers and social service needs.

Little Treasures-Petits Trésors SLP, PLLC (Little Treasures) is a community-based agency with the ability to provide comprehensive treatment through caring providers. We provide exceptional services to children and adults with special healthcare needs, by connecting thousands of developmentally disabled individuals who have a wide spectrum of health conditions to the services needed to remain in their community.  We have dedicated ourselves to providing services to children and adults with developmental disabilities, complex traumas, HIV/AIDS, and medically fragile. Our goal is to ensure that reliable care managers deliver services that will help individuals regain independence, improve their quality of life, and promote optimal care.

Little Treasures Health Home Care Managers work closely with individuals who require specialized medical, educational, and rehabilitative care to help them and their families better understand and manage their needs.  Once individuals are enrolled in a Health Home Care Management Program, a specially-trained Care Manager will be assigned to work with them to develop a care plan that will meet all their physical, mental health, and social service needs.  A care plan identifies the services the individual needs, to put him/her on the road to better health.  The Health Home Care Manager will help individuals find the services and programs that are appropriate for them. 

What is a Health Home?

A Health Home is not a place.  It is an incredible team of health care managers and service providers working together to ensure individuals living with chronic conditions receive the best care and services needed to stay healthy.

A Health Home is a NYS Medicaid funded program and is available to Medicaid-eligible children and adults who have chronic medical and mental health conditions.  These individuals may benefit from the careful planning and case management provided by Health Home Care Managers. An assigned Care Manager works with you to create a plan of care that meets all of your physical, mental health, and social service needs.

Who is Eligible to enroll in a Health Home?

To be eligible for Health Home services, an individual must be enrolled in Medicaid and must have:

  • One single qualifying chronic condition: HIV/AIDS, Serious Mental Illness (SMI) (for Adults), Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), or Complex Trauma (for Children)


  • Two or more chronic conditions (e.g., Substance Use Disorder, Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity Developmental Language Disorder, Developmental Delay (NOS/Mixed))

For a complete list of chronic conditions, visit the Department of Health website: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/program/medicaid_health_homes/docs/hh_chronic_condition_update_dd_conditions.pdf

How to get Enrolled?

Enrollment is an easy and brief process. New York has two approaches to enrolling eligible patients in Health Homes. Health Home enrollment can be passive, where MCOs will automatically assign enrollees to Health Homes, or active, where potentially eligible individuals sign themselves up.  Little Treasures’ Care Management Agency was created to make sure its enrollees get the best care and services they need. Our Health Home Care Managers will help individuals and families complete the necessary paperwork and will explain everything they need to know in detail.

If each enrollment options present any challenges that need to be addressed as enrollment procedures are developed.   , our Care Managers will support whichever method that ensures all eligible individuals are aware of the Health Home Program, while offering the flexibility for individuals to choose the care that best meets their needs. 

Enrollment in the Health Home Program is voluntary.  You do not have to enroll in a Health Home Program, if you do not want to.  Once you have decided to enroll, you may choose to dis-enroll at any time.

How can a Health Home help me?

Once you are enrolled in a Health Home, your Care Manager can:

  • Work with you to set up a care plan and appointments with your doctor or a specialist for you, and work with your providers to make sure you get the care you need
  • Connect you to other community programs that will support and assist you
  • Help you understand your chronic health conditions and give you information to help manage problems like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Assist you with housing applications, legal resources, transportation, or other issues

What if I am part of a Waiver or Early Intervention Program?

If you are part of a waiver or early intervention program and are interested in a Health Home, you will simply get transitioned to a Health Home and sign all necessary consents.  Any services you were receiving under the waiver or early intervention program will continue with the same providers, with the exception of the case manager and the services will have a different name, but the services will remain the same.