Required Skills for Health Home Care Managers

In order to be successful as a Health Home Care Manager, you need exceptional interpersonal skills to speak on behalf of individuals and advocate for their well-being. Additional skills and characteristics include:

* Listening skills: very important as care managers need to fully understand the individuals’ concerns

* Compassion and Patience:  to work daily with individuals going  through difficult medical/mental health situations

* Flexible: Treatment does not always go as planned, so as care managers, you must be flexible with solid problem-solving skills to keep individuals healthy

Having organizational and time management abilities is a must for Health Home Care Managers to coordinate care for multiple individuals at various stages of recovery and maintain overall health and well-being.

Degree and Educational Requirements

Candidates with MSW or BSW degrees and bilingual are preferred.  However, we are also interested in candidates with:

* A Bachelor of Arts or Science with two years of relevant experience with populations with complex medical, mental health and psychosocial needs; OR

* A Licensed Registered Nurse with two years of relevant experience with populations with complex medical, mental health and psychosocial needs; OR

* A Masters with one year of relevant experience with populations with complex medical, mental health and psychosocial needs

*Associate Degrees are also accepted, with one year of relevant experience.

A referral source, individual, or family member may refer an individual by calling the telephone number below.

Contact Information
Little Treasures-Petits Trésors SLP, PLLC (Health Home Care Management Program)

Tel: 718-712-3358/212-996-2200
Fax: 888-352-0588

Email: helpdesk@littletreasures-pt.com Little Treasures-Petits Trésors, SLP, PLLC is a certified Health Home Care Management Agency with incredible history. If you’re interested in seeing if you are eligible to receive Care Management services through a Health Home, visit the website: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/program/medicaid_health_homes/ for who is Eligible or call us at 718-712-3358/212-996-2200.